Harry Potter 6 -spoiler-
somehow I knew it was Dumbledore who had to die, because I thought that HP has to fight his last fight alone. What I never guessed was Snape killing him. I must admit, that I have a favour for Snape and I m still not convinced, that he really is a death eater by heart. Probably Dumbledore made him promise to kill him if necessary, like he made Harry promise to force him to drink the potion in Voldemorts cave. Probably Dumbledore bound Snape with the help of the Unbreakable Vow to help Harry survive, even if this incudes sacrifices like D s own death. Snape s objectives probably differ from those of the Order and the Death Eaters, he tries to play his own game, whatever this may be. He is neither good nor evil, he is the unpredictable moment in the novel - and Harry has always been wrong when it came to jugde his actions.
teildesganzen - 2. Aug, 13:41